Simple Future
The future simple is one of the tenses that talks about future events. But it is mainly used to express intentions and make predictions.
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The future simple is one of the tenses that talks about future events. But it is mainly used to express intentions and make predictions.
List of irregular verbs: infinitive, past simple, and past participle verb forms, in addition to their Arabic translation
When transforming a sentence from the direct to the indirect speech, important changes occur at the level of tenses and some expressions.
Conditional type 3: lesson, illustrative examples, form, remarks, use/function, in addition to exercises for practice.
Relative pronouns are wh-words that refer to nouns mentioned previously. They are used to introduce relative clauses and avoid repetition.
We use the passive voice to place focus on the object instead of the subject. That is, what was done is more important than who did it.
In this section, you will practice the transformation of sentences from the active to the passive voice by following the recommended steps.
Prepositions of place are parts of speech that give information about the location of a person, thing, animal, action, event, etc.
We use ‘used to + verb’ to talk about habits or situations that happened or existed in the past but no longer d in the present time.
A series of multiple-choice exercises which are designed for the practice of tenses in English. They mainly target high school students.
This exercise is designed for practicing the present simple and the present continuous tenses. It targets high school students.
The past simple describes past actions that are not limited in duration,i.e., actions that happened in a second or thousands of years ago.