The future simple tense

Introduction to the future simple

The future simple is one of the tenses that talks about future events. But it is mainly used to express intentions and make predictions.

The two tables below summarize the most important notes you need to know to understand this tense, including form, function, and the signal words associated with it.

simple futuresubject + will + verb– future uninfluenced facts
– making predictions
– promise/willingness to do something
– making offers
– scheduled events
– intention (i.e., something you intend
to do but you haven’t
decided about it yet)
– in a year
– next ……..
– tomorrow
– perhaps,
– I think/guess
– perhaps
– I expect
– soon
– in the future
– I hope


I/you/we/they/he/she/it will (= ‘ll)
I/you/we/they/he/she/it will not
(= won’t) go/finish
Will I/you/we/they/he /she/ it go/
finish ?


Put the verbs between brackets in the future simple (affirmative negative and interrogative)

  1. I’m sure he (not be] late.
  2. [I open) the window for you?
  3. How long (the journey tak
  4. I suppose (she be) in London next week.
  5. John (phone) your office for you.
  6. There (be) a lot of people at the meeting?
  7. What time (the race start?)
  8. He (never agree) to your idea.
  9. You (never see) your money again.
  10. What’s the matter? (I phone) the doctor?
  11. Don’t worry. I (pay) for the damage to your car.
  12. (You be) at home tomorrow?
  13. The company (not give) you an extra day’s holiday.
  14. Don’t touch that! You (hurt) yourself!
  15. There (not be) any newspapers tomorrow.
  16. I ( do) my homework after dinner.
  17. I ( miss) you when you leave.
  18. We ( take) the dog for a walk later.
  19. We ( visit) Grandma this weekend.
  20. He ( be) home later.
  21. She ( help) us cook the food for the party.
  22. It ( soon) be dark outside.
  23. I think it ( be) sunny tomorrow.
  24. I expect they ( give) you a present.
  25. Mom ( be) very pleased with you.
  26. Your plant ( die) without water.
  27. The school ( soon) need a lot of repairs.
  28. John and I ( be) glad when the exams are over.
  29. Bill and Kim ( be) late for school if they don’t hurry.
  30. We ( not /go) to the party without you.

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