Language Test N 5 (2 bac)
Language Test N 5 for second year baccalaureate students: grammar, vocabulary, spelling,, word forms and pronunciation
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Language Test N 5 for second year baccalaureate students: grammar, vocabulary, spelling,, word forms and pronunciation
Here are the most important vocabulary items that we find in the unit about media, Gateway To English (second-year baccalaureate textbook).
Language Test N 6 (2 bac) for second year baccalaureate students: grammar, vocabulary, spelling,, word forms and pronunciation
In this article, ‘Your Guide To Understanding Punctuation Marks’, we will explore the roles of punctuation symbols to enhance your writing.
In the following exercise, you will practice the use of conjunctions and know how they differ from one another.
Prepositions of time are parts of speech that identify time relationships between the doer and the action or the time when something happens.
Personal pronouns are short parts of speech that are primarily associated with persons and are used to replace nouns so as to avoid repetition
Comparatives are forms of adjectives used to compare two things so as to show the differences between them.
The following table (All Tenses table – page 1) illustrates the form and function of the present simple, present continuous/progressive, and past simple.
All-tenses table (page 2): past continuous/progressive, present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, form, functions and exercises.
In All-Tenses Table (page 3), you will learn how to use the near future (be going to+verb), future continuous , and future perfect.
“All-tenses table (page 4)” illustrates the form and function of the past perfect simple, past perfect continuous, and future simple.