Here are the most important vocabulary items that we find in the unit about media, Gateway To English (second-year baccalaureate textbook).
Word / Expression | Explanation | Example | Arabic Translation |
1. All in all | At last/on the whole/finally | Entertain/cause to laugh | اجمالا/في النهاية |
2. Allow | Permit/let/authorize | The police allowed him to go home. | ياذن/يسمح ب |
3. Amuse | Please shut up. Don’t disturb me. | He amused himself by writing poetry. | يرفه/يسلي |
4. Audience | Viewers/spectators/listeners | The audience applauded. | الجمهور/المشاهدون |
5. Brain | Mind/intellect | The disease attacked certain cells in the brain. | المخ/الدماغ |
6. Browse | Surf/explore/look over | He spent hours browsing online. | يتصفح |
7. Check | Verify/inspect/examine | The police checked all vehicles. | يدقق/يتحقق من |
8.Complementary | Completing/perfecting | Guitarists played complementary parts of the song. | مكمل/متمم |
9. Control | Dominate/rule/command | She struggled to control her temper. | يحكم/يتحكم في |
10.Correspondent | Journalist/reporter | The correspondent improved in quality. | مراسل |
11. Delivery | Distribution/supply/release | We receive several deliveries a day. | يوزع/بعطي/يلقي |
12. Detail | Parts/particulars/components | The report contains details about our objection. | تفصيل/جزء |
13. Director | Manager/supervisor/conductor | The director was satisfied with the actors. | مخرج/مدير |
14. disturb | Bother/interrupt/distess | The TV program is very informative. | يزعج/يقلق |
15. Editor | Writer/redactor/reviewer | The editor has put the text in the appropriate form. | محرر |
16.Editorial | Article written by the editor. | The editorial represented the magasine’s opinion. | الافتتاحية |
17. Enable | Make able/possible | Money enabled him to travel around the world. | يمكن/يخول |
18. Enjoy | Appreciate/take pleasure in | He enjoys playing the piano. | يستمتع/ينعم |
19. Enrich | make rich/better/ improve | Reading enriches our knowledge. | يغني/يثري |
20.Entertainment | Amusement/enjoyment/leisure | He reads for entertainment. | ترفيه/تسلية |
21. Episode | Chapter/part/sequence | The last episode contained dramatic events. | حلقة/جزء |
22.Finance | Fund/provide with money | The project was financed by grants. | يمول |
23. Firm | Company/establishment | His firm suffers from some financial problems. | شركة/مؤسسة |
24.Frontpage | First page(of a newspaper…etc) | You always find headlines on the front page. | الصفحة الاولى |
25. Headlines | Titles(largely typed/presented) | Do you read the headlines before buying a newspaper? | العناوين |
26. Homepage | Startpage(in a website) | He makes of”google.com” his permanent homepage. | صفحة الاستقبال |
27. Household | Home/family | Women are often responsible for running households. | بيت/أسرة |
28. Hoax | Farce/trick/deception | The phone call was just a hoax. | خديعة/مكيدة |
29. Informative | Instructive/educative/newsy | He has a good knowledge of history. | مثقف/اخباري |
30. Issue | Edition/number/copy | Have you bought the last issue of the magazine? | عدد/اصدار |
31. Jackpot | Reward/lottery prize | This week’s lottery jackpot is top. | ربح/جائزة |
32.Knowledge | Information/skills/awareness | Nowadays, the media use very developed technology. | معرفة |
33. Land | Get/set on the ground | Allied troops landed in France. | يهبط/ينزل |
34. Manager | Director/administrator/overseer | He is the manager of the oil company. | مسير/مدير |
35.(Mass)Media | T.V/radio/newspapers/…etc | Nowadays,the media use very developed technology. | اعلام |
36. Mixture | Blend/amalgam/combination | The U.S.A. is a mixture of races. | خليط |
37. Never mind | It doesn’t matter/don’t worry | Never mind,I will do the job. | لا تقلق |
38. Opportunity | Occasion/favorable time | This is your opportunity to move on. | فرصة/مناسبة |
39. Participate | Take part/be involved in | He is willing to participate in town’s events. | يشارك/يساهم |
40.Passive | Non-active/uninvolved | Women are portrayed as passive victims. | سلبي |
41. Plenty of | A lot of/many/much | They have plenty of fresh food. | الكثير/العديد |
42. professional | Skillful/competent | She is a professional tennis player. | احترافي/مهني |
43. Point out | Indicate/draw attention to | They pointed out that the problem is serious. | يوضح/ينبه |
44. Politics | Science treating people’s affairs. | I don’t like politics. | علوم السياسة |
45. Polls | Voting/electing/referendum | I can’t surf the net without using search engines. | الانتخاب/التصويت |
46. Press | Newspapers and magasines | Press gives much importance to politics. | الصحافة |
47. Provide | Supply/furnish/give | The authorities provided our school with new material. | يزود/يوفر |
48. Remain | Stay/continue to exist | The problem still remains. | يتبقى/يبقى |
49. report | Account/write up | The journalist wrote a good report about the crisis. | تقرير/محضر |
50. Respond to | Reply/answer/react | They never respond to my questions. | يجيب |
51. Script | Written text/manuscript | The director hasn’t received the script of the play yet. | نسخة/نص مكتوب |
52. Search engine | Program for searching on the net | I can’t surf on the net without using search engines. | محرك البحث |
53. Sitcom | Situation comedy | Are there any sitcoms on this week? | برنامج حواري |
54. Stopover | Break/stay in a journey | Our stopover in Madrid lasted two days. | توقف/استراحة |
55. Surf | Navigate/move from site to site | Surfing on the net is sometimes time-consuming. | يبحر/يتصفح |
56. Tabloid | Small-format newspapers | Tabloids are best sellers in some countries. | جريدة شعبية |
57. Take off | Depart/leave the ground | The plane will take off in a moment. | يقلع |
58. Thanks to | Due to/because of | He succeeded in his business thanks to his wife’s support. | بقضل/بسبب |
59. Towards | In the direction of | They were driving towards the flat. | تجاه/في اتجاه |
60. Train | Teach/coach/instruct | She is training to be a hairdresser. | يدرب/يروض |
61. View | See/watch/observe | They viewed the landscape from the mountain. | يشاهد/ينظر |
62. Widen | Enlarge/broaden/enrich | Reading newspapers widens our knowledge. | يوسع |
63. youngsters | Young people | Youngsters are more active and dynamic than adults. | الشباب |