Below, there is a list of vocabulary items that exist in the unit about leisure activities, Visa To English, (“Tronc Commun” textbook).
1. Abbreviation | Shortened form of words/phrases | U.N is the abbreviation for the United Nations | الاختصار |
2.Accompaniment | Something that accompanies | The drum is a super accompaniment to the guitar. | مصاحبة/ مساير |
3. Actually | In fact/in reality | Actually, he was upset. | في الحقيقة/الواق |
4 . Attract | Fascinate/excite | He was attracted by his smile. | جذب |
5. Bang | Boom /Noise of a strike. | The door slammed with a gang. | خبط/دوي |
6. Bear | Tolerate/support | I can’t bear the cost alone. | طاق/تحمل |
7. Boom | Strong noise/rapid prosperity | There is an unprecedented boom in sales. | ازدهار/دوي |
8. Cherry | Type of fruit | She likes cherries very much. | حب الملوك |
9. Chess | A board game | Gasparove is a world chess champion. | الشطرنج |
10. Comics | Comic magazines/pictures… | Do you the comics? | رسوم/مجلات هزلية.. |
11. Consist (of) | Be composed/made of | The movie consists of three episodes | يتكون/يتآلف من |
12. Couch | Long chair | The church contains tens of couches. | أريكة/كرسي |
13. Disappoint | Frustrate/fail to meet the hopes | The results were disappointing. | أحبط/جيب الامل |
14. Duet | Song/musical piece for two voices | Everybody wanted to participate in the duet. | لحن ثنائي |
15. Eager to | Strongly desiring | They were eager to hear the news. | متلهف/متعطش |
16. Embarrass | Distress/put somebody to shame | The presence of her father embarrassed her. | يحرج/يخجل |
17. Emotion | Feeling/sentiment | His responses were based on emotions. | عاطفة/احساس |
18. Evidence | Proof/argument | The court accepted the evidence. | دليل/برهان |
19. Exhaust | Overtire/weary | The effort exhausted him. | ينهك/يضني |
20. Familiar | Common/ordinary | She is familiar with the subject. | مالوف/معهود |
21. Fascinate | Attract/excite | He was fascinated by the performance. | جذب |
22. Gardening | Work/tending of gardens | He likes gardening very much. | البستنة |
23. Gender | sex | Gender is taken into account in offering jobs. | جنس |
24. Guest | Visitor/invitee | Too many guests came to the party. | ضيف |
25. Hide | Conceal/keep out sight | He hid the money. | أخفى/خبأ |
26. Indoor | Inside/Interior | The activity is practiced indoors. | داخلي |
27. Inspect | Check/examine/look over | The police inspected all the luggage. | فحص/فتش |
28. Intellectual | Educated/scholar | Intellectuals are often invited by TV channels | مفكر/مثقف |
29. Intention | Aim/purpose/objective | He, without intention, made me upset. | قصد/نية |
30. Invite | Request/call in | They invited us to Sunday lunch. | دعا/طلب |
31. Isolated | Cut-off/lonesome | He lived a very isolated existence. | منعزل/منزو |
32. Jogging | Footing/quick walking | Jogging is her favorite sport. | المشي السريع /الهرولة |
33. Keen on | Enthusiastic/excited about | She is keen on cooking | مهتم ب/مولع ب |
34. Misbehave | Behave badly/misconduct | He misbehaved in the presence of the judge. | اساء التصرف |
35. Motivate | Stimulate/inspire | It’s the teacher’s job to motivate students. | حرك/دفع |
36. Nervous | Agitated/tense | He was so nervous that he couldn’t eat. | منفعل/عصبي |
37. Noise | Loud sounds/uproar | I can’t bear the noise in the room. | ضوضاء/ضجيج |
38. No matter what | regardless | I will do it no matter what the results are | كيفما/بصرف النظرع |
39. Nowadays | At present/in these time | We can’t do without technology nowadays. | في الوقت الحاضر/الراه |
40. Orchestra | Group of musicians playing together | There are 20 musicians in the local orchestra. | الاوركسترا |
41. Outdoor | Outside/exterior | Football is an outdoor activity | خارجي |
42. Panoramic | Broad/far-reaching | We had a panoramic view of the mountain. | شامل الرؤية |
43. Patrol | Going around checking for suspects. | The patrol arrested a suspect. | دورية |
44. Prediction | Prophecy/foretelling/prognostication | The prediction came true. | تنبؤ/تكهن |
45. Quality | Nature/condition/character | This product is of a very poor quality. | جودة |
46. Quite | To a certain extent | The film is quite good. | الى حد بعيد |
47. Related | Connected/linked | Poverty is related much to unemployment. | متصل/متعلق ب |
48. Relax | Rest/de-stress | Yoga helps us to relax. | استرخى/استراح |
49. Relief | Easement/alleviation | The relief of his pain can easily be reached. | فرج/راحة/ازالة |
50. Schedule | Plan/program8/agenda | They have a very busy schedule. | برنامج/جدول |
51. Seek | Look for/search for/request | He seeks help from the police. | يبحث عن/يسعى الى |
52. Seem | Appear/look | The player seems so tired. | يبدو/يظهر |
53. Set up | Establish/found | I will set up a business company when I get the money. | أسس |
54. Sheet | Leaf/piece of paper | Please, keep the sheet blank. | ورقة |
55. Side | Part/position | He always stands by my side when there is a crisis. | جانب/طرف |
56. Similar | Alike/identical | We live in similar conditions. | مماثل/متشابه |
57. Skip | Pass over/leave out | They have the tendency to skip difficult tasks. | قفز/تخلى عن |
58. Solo | Piece of music played by one person | Solos are not yet frequent in our culture. | منفرد/وحيد |
59. Stranger | Foreigner/unknown | Lots of strangers come to see this site. | أجنبي/غريب |
60. Stress | Tension/pressure | Sport can relieve stress. | ضغط/توتر |
61. Subway | Underground way/path/passage | He walked through the subway. | نفق/ممر أرضي |
62. Therefore | So/hence/consequently | He ate without washing his hands. He, therefore, fell ill. | لهذا/اذن/بتاء عليه |
63. Tire | Exhaust/wear out | The journey tired us a lot. | أتعب |
64. Useful | Profitable/worthwhile | They gathered useful experience. | مفيد/نافع |
65. Vocalist | singer | He is a famous vocalist. | مغني/منشد |
66. Widespread | Prevalent/predominant | Football is a widespread game. | منتشر/شائع |
67. Without | With none/in the absence of | I don’t want to go without you. | بدون/بلا |