Determiners and quantifiers


Quantifiers are determiners that denote imprecision of quantity or number. We use them when we want to give someone information about the amount or number of something. Also, we can use them to answer questions with “how much?” and “how many?”

There are two categories of quantifiers: those that are used with countable (nouns that we can count), and those that are used with uncountable nouns (nouns that we can’t count).

Most often, countable nouns take a plural form (books, children, feet, etc.), while uncountable nouns don’t (fish, meat, information, etc.)

The table below contains a list of quantifiers classified according to their use.

Small quantity/number– a few
– some
– a little
– some
– a few
– some
– a little  
– a few
– a little
– a few
– a little
Neutral– any
– several
– any– several– any– any
Big quantity/number– many
– lots of –
– a lot of
– plenty of
– much
– lots of
– a lot of
– plenty of
– a lot of
– lots of
– plenty of
– much– much

Quantifiers: exercises

A/ Choose the correct answer from the words between parentheses

  1. The man is very rich. He´s got ————– Money. (a lot of – much – many)
  2. I want ————— milk. (any – much – some)
  3. Are there ————— messages for me? (any – some – much)
  4. I´d like to eat ————– Yoghurt. (many – some – any)
  5. I haven´t got ————— Money in my wallet. (some – much – many)

   B/ Complete the sentences with the words below

  some – any – a lot  (of)– much – many
  1. I want —————- milk in my coffee, but I don´t want ———– sugar.
  2. She doesn´t want ————– Mushrooms with her hamburger. She doesn´t like them.
  3. There are ————- coffee shops on Market Street.
  4. I always have ———– hot chocolate in the mornings.
  5. There isn’t ————- book on my desk
  6. How ……… children do you and Tony have?
  7. I don’t have …………. patience and I find jigsaw puzzles boring.
  8. “Do we need …………….. mushrooms?” “No, we have ———–. Look, three bags!”
  9. When you go out, buy me …………..  apples and a bottle of Coke
  10.  ———— people think that he is stupid. But actually, he is quite intelligent.

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