Expressing advice

Introductory notes about expressing advice

The phrase “expressing advice” designates asking for and giving advice. You seek advice when you have a problem and you ask someone to help you find a solution to fix it.

Giving advice means helping someone fix his problem by offering him guidance and recommendation.

Advice /ədˈvaɪs/ (noun): recommendation/guidelines.

Advise /ədˈvaɪz/ (verb): give advice/recommendation/guidelines.

Giving advice (direct ways)

Expressions/ways of giving adviceExamples
modal+verbYou should drink so much water.
You ought to drink so much water.
You had better drink so much water.
advise+infinitive with “toI advise you to drink so much water

Giving advice (indirect ways)

Expressions/ways of giving adviceExamples
If+past simple+would+verbIf I were you, I would accept the offer.
If I were in your position/place/situation/shoes, I would accept the offer.
Why don’t you+verbWhy don’t you see a doctor?
How about+verb-ingHow about seeing a doctor?
I suggest/recommend+verb-ingI suggest/recommend practicing sport.

Seeking/asking for advice

Expressions/ways of asking for adviceExamples
What should I …………?What should I do to fix this problem?
What ought I to …………..?What ought I to do to improve my English?
What do you advise me to ……………?What do you advise me to do to lose weight?
What would you do if you+past simple ………….?What would you do if you were me?
What would you do if you were in my position/situation/place/shoes?
What do you suggest I ……………..?What do you suggest I should do to fix the problem with my P.C?
What do you think I …………….?What do you think I should do to solve this issue?

Expressing advice: exercises

A/ Give advice to these people using expressions between parentheses

  1. I suffer from loneliness. (should)
  2. I don’t have a job. (ought to)
  3. I have a headache. (had better)
  4. I am terrible at maths. (why don’t you)
  5. I want to lose weight, but I don’t know how. (How about)
  6. I can’t find a good woman to marry. (If I were)
  7. I can’t see very well on the blackboard. (I advise you)
  8. My 15-year-old son is always absent from school. (I suggest)
  9. I always feel exhausted after work. (you should)
  10. My car often breaks down. (I recommend)

B/ Ask your friend for advice to fix your problem. Use expressions from the second table above.

  1. I suffer from loneliness.
  2. I don’t have a job.
  3. I have a headache.
  4. I am terrible at maths.
  5. I want to lose weight, but I don’t know how.
  6. I can’t find a good woman to marry.
  7. I can’t see very well on the blackboard.
  8. My 15-year-old son is always absent from school.
  9. I always feel exhausted after work.
  10. My car often breaks down.

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