Conditional type 0
Conditional type 0

Notes about conditional type 0

A conditional sentence consists of two clauses: the if-clause, which contains the condition, and the main clause which contains the result. It is important to remember that in a conditional type 0 sentence, the verb in the if-clause is in the present simple, and the verb in the main clause is in the imperative or the present simple. If you reverse the tenses in the two clauses, the meaning will be distorted.

If+present simple (if- clause)+ imperative/present simple
(main clause)
Conditional type 0 is used to talk about habits, general truths/
realities, scientific facts, or natural laws that happen in the
present time.


  1. If you feel sick, go to see a doctor.
  2. Plants die if they don’t get enough water.
  3. If you heat water, it boils.


  1. If the “if” clause comes first, a comma is usually used. If the “if” clause comes second, there is no need for a comma: if it rains, you get wet = You get wet if it rains.
  2. In most conditional sentences,’’ when’’ means the same thing as ‘’if’’: if/when it rains you get wet.

Conditional type 2: exercise

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense

  1. We easily (get)  tired if we (work) under the sun.
  2. We (become) ill if we (eat) dirty food.
  3. If iron (get) wet, ,it (rust).
  4. My daughter (get) sick if she (eat) too much chocolate.
  5. Ice (float) if you (drop) it in water.
  6. If you (cross) an international dateline, the time (change).
  7. Wood (not/burn) if there (be) no air.
  8. If you (mix) yellow and blue, you (get) green.
  9. If you (get) a headache, (take) some aspirin.
  10. I (feel) terrible If I (not/ get) 8 hours sleep a night.
  11. If my dog (see) a cat, he  (chase) it.
  12. If I (drink ) too much coffee, I (feel) nervous.
  13. You (put on) weight If you (not/do) enough exercise.
  14. The fire alarm bell (ring) If there (be) a fire.
  15. People (get) fat if they (eat) junk food.
  16. It (become) very hot if the sun (rise) high.
  17. Phosphorus (burn) if you (expose) it to air.
  18. If I (eat) too much, I (get) fat
  19. If somebody (wave) a red flag, it usually (mean) danger.
  20. If it (snow), the weather (become) cold.

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